Safe mode on Realme
Android phones sometimes start malfunctioning. Crashes and lags can occur due to installed programs. Safe mode on Realme launches the operating system only with system software. This allows you to find out the cause of the unstable functioning of the phone. How to enable Safe Mode - we will learn in today's article.
What is Safe Mode?
Safe Mode — режим диагностики, во время которого смартфон запускается без сторонних приложений. Операционная система работает очень быстро и плавно, как после заводского сброса, поскольку нет лишней нагрузки от стороннего софта.
Неактивные приложения отмечены серым цветом. При попытке их открыть высветится ошибка. Работают только необходимые программы: камера, сообщения, звонки, галерея, браузер, настройки, проводник. Все пользовательские материалы (фото, документы, видео) остаются и доступны для просмотра.
What it's for
Safe mode on your Realme phone allows you to check whether the installed software affects the operation of your mobile device. For example, you downloaded an application, and after installing it, your smartphone constantly hangs. This solves the problem: third-party programs are disabled, and you can safely remove them through the system menu.
You should also boot the phone in safe mode if viruses or suspicious files have been downloaded. Malicious material is easily removed through the explorer or "Phone Manager", but sometimes a hard reset or even a reflash is needed.
By performing a safe mode reboot, you will understand what is causing your smartphone to malfunction. If Realmi keeps freezing after activating safe mode, and the system programs crash or do not work - then it is not the fault of third-party applications. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible to check the device.
It is not recommended to activate safe mode frequently. This mode is only suitable for diagnostic purposes when you want to find out the cause of failures.
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How to enable safe mode on Realme
Let's consider a method that works on devices with Realme UI firmware. The procedure was successfully tested on the Realme C3.
- Turn off or reboot the smartphone.
- Во время появления желтого логотипа зажимаем кнопку питания + уменьшения громкости.
- Hold down the keys until the system boots up completely. If it succeeds, you will see the corresponding inscription in the lower left corner, and the icons of third-party applications will be grayed out.
Обратите внимание! Не спешите и не зажимайте кнопки во время загрузки Android (когда надпись Realme белая), поскольку тогда откроется просто меню рекавери. Начинайте удерживать клавиши, когда появляется логотип желтого цвета.
Now you know how to enter safe mode. As you can see, it's very easy and fast.
Exiting Safe Mode
Below we will tell you how to get out of Safe Mode on Realme. Warning: some of the phone settings, as well as icons, wallpaper and folders on the desktop may be deleted.
Самый быстрый и оптимальный вариант. Нужно только перезагрузить смартфон стандартным способом. После перезагрузки произойдет автоматическое отключение безопасного режима, и система загрузится со всеми сторонними программами.
Reset to factory settings
A radical method that should be used only as a last resort. If safe mode on Android is not turned off, it means there is a serious virus or a conflict of several applications. Hard Reset usually fixes such problems.
- Go to Advanced Settings. Scroll to the "Backup and reload" tab.
- Click "Delete all data (factory reset)". Select the type of cleaning. You can start by trying to remove only the downloaded applications. If that doesn't help, you can also get rid of photos and music.
Read also: How to uninstall system applications on Realme.
We have discussed how to enter Safe Mode. If you're having trouble, feel free to ask for help in the comments.