
How to change the theme and wallpaper on Realme

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How to change the theme and wallpaper on Realme

The standard design of the smartphone desktop begins to get boring over time. All the icons look ordinary, and the animation when you flip through the windows does not evoke any pleasant emotions. Developers of mobile shells have taken care of the diversity, adding to the settings of the device the ability to edit the style used. Let's understand how to change the theme on Realme. This can be done through the built-in features of the phone, if a more or less current firmware version is installed.

Realme Theme Shop

In the smartphone settings you can find several available options for the desktop design. The selected style has no effect on the functionality of the device, it's just an aesthetic component, which is so important for many people.

It is currently possible to install the full version of the theme store with subsequent updates, but this procedure requires:

  1. Computer with Windows 7 or 10.
  2. OPPO Unlock utility, to change the region of your smartphone.
  3. Original OPPO or Realme cable.
  4. iMod Pro and Realme Theme Store apps.
  5. Any themes (custom or official).

Detailed instructions at the end of the article in our video.

Приложение "Магазин тем" на смартфонах Realme с глобальной (европейской, русской) прошивкой заблокировано производителем. Релиз ожидается в ближайшее время (смотрите видео в конце статьи).

You can also try to put Theme Store directly, as a normal apk file.


Changing the standard Realme UI theme

So, to change the theme on Realmi, here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open the settings. To do this, click on the gear icon on the desktop.
  2. Go to "Home screen and wallpaper". How to change the theme on Realme UI
  3. Листаем меню в самый низ и нажимаем на «Выбрать тему».
  4. Choose one of the two pre-installed themes or go to the store by clicking on the bottom button "Open Theme Store". Download Realme theme store
  5. Click "Apply" and confirm the installation of the new theme.

No further action is required. You will immediately notice changes on the desktop of your device. Most likely, the icons will become slightly different in size or shape.

Set the style of application icons

Realme change the style of application icons

If you only want to edit the application icons, you can use the following instructions:

  1. Select "Settings".
  2. Переходим в раздел «Начальный экран и обои» и после в «Задать стиль значка».
  3. You can change the current shape of the icon, making it more rounded or square. And with the sliders you can adjust each of the parameters in more detail.
  4. Save the changes by selecting "Apply".

Вам также будет интересно узнать о способе смены стандартного шрифта.

How to turn on the dark theme on Realmi

The dark theme is gaining in popularity. It allows you to work comfortably with your smartphone at night, and also reduces battery consumption if your device has an Amoled screen. To activate the night mode you need:

  1. Open the notification curtain and go to "quick settings".
  2. Там нужно найти значок «Темная тема» и нажать по нему.
  3. Done, dark mode should activate successfully.

There is also another way, related to the use of standard settings:

How to turn on the dark theme on Realmi

  1. Click on the gear icon on your smartphone desktop.
  2. Переходим в раздел «Экран и яркость», открываем вкладку «Режим затемнения» и включаем опцию.

Чтобы перейти в настройки темной темы нужно нажать по названию пункта. Там можно настроить автоматическую активацию режима по рассписанию или включить опцию «От заката до рассвета». Также можно включить принудительное затемнение для сторонних приложений (BETA), если те не поддерживают такой режим.

Note! Even if your Realme has an IPS screen, the dark mode will also work. This is a feature of the Realme UI, which is very convenient.

How to set a new wallpaper on the home screen and lock screen

Sometimes you need to change the standard wallpaper. And this is done quite easily:

  1. Удерживаем палец на рабочем столе устройства, затем выбираем «Обои».
  2. At the bottom of the screen appears a gallery of available pictures offered by the developers of the shell. Select the desired option by simply clicking on it.

If you want to change the lock screen wallpaper theme, use the following instructions:

  1. Download the picture you like.
  2. Open the gallery and find the uploaded image there.
  3. Выбираем «Ещё», затем – «Установить как обои».
  4. В появившемся окошке отмечаем вариант «Установить для экрана блокировки».

There is nothing complicated about it. You can find a lot of high-quality images on the Internet that are perfect for any style of workspace design.

Video tutorial

So, we looked at how to install a new theme on your Realme phone. As a rule, if you follow the presented guide, there are no problems.

Yegor Borisov
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  • Малюта
    Published: 05.01.2024 Reply to the message

    На Realme 11 Pro plus с китайской прошивкой эта инструкция сработает?

  • Yakhyo Tuygunov
    Published: 09.08.2023 Reply to the message

    Хочу установить приложения темы

  • Anonymous
    Published: 14.04.2023 Reply to the message

    У меня realme c11 вообще ничего не получилось

  • Валерия Диксон
    Published: 05.02.2023 Reply to the message

    У меня realme c31, и нету того что показано для того что бы поменять тему экрана, что мне делать?

  • Olga
    Published: 25.11.2022 Reply to the message

    Добрый вечер! У меня realme 8, делала всё по вашей инструкции , но ничего не вышло. Темы загрузились но зайти не могу ,даже не пускает , пишет надо очистить.

  • Michael
    Published: 07.06.2022 Reply to the message

    When will it be available to Russians and Europeans?

  • Alexei
    Published: 16.04.2022 Reply to the message

    Hello, I did everything according to the instructions but there is one problem... I pressed to select the topic and I just throw out, all tried. Help.

  • Albina
    Published: 24.03.2022 Reply to the message

    I can't open the app, the theme store. What can I do?

  • Vadim
    Published: 27.01.2022 Reply to the message

    Hello all! We squeeze the screen with our fingers... The wallpaper appears, widgets! Press the wallpaper and choose!

  • Irina
    Published: 29.10.2021 Reply to the message

    Hello, PLEASE. I have Realme 11C (android 11), I can not change the theme on the phone, this section is not on the phone! When you long press on the home screen, ONLY: HOME SCREEN and wallpaper appears. Also, there is no Home screen and wallpaper section in the settings. Also interested in the ability to place WIDGETS on the screen, this feature is also not found on the device.

    • Yegor Borisov
      Published: 30.10.2021 Reply to the message

      Download theme store and try to install it.

  • Alexander
    Published: 22.07.2021 Reply to the message

    This is bullshit advice! I have an 8 pro and none of the above works... I wanted to put a photo on the lock screen, but it's impossible. I used to have a Samsung A50 and didn't have any problems at all...

    • Anastasia
      Published: 24.08.2022 Reply to the message

      Та же история. Обидно.

  • Alexei
    Published: 26.06.2021 Reply to the message

    Realmi 8 fits this instruction?, And yet, when will they release an update, so as not to dance with the phone ?

  • Oleg Bannikov
    Published: 22.04.2021 Reply to the message

    I can't wait for it to come out so we can use it.

  • Emilia
    Published: 04.03.2021 Reply to the message

    I have only two items in the personalization, wallpaper and icon, no theme, where you got it, I have no idea, here in the first screenshot with the personalization you have to choose a theme, and the second is not, here I have as the second ... I do not understand (((

  • Ahmadjon
    Published: 06.01.2021 Reply to the message

    Hello, I have a Realmi 5, 9 android. Does your app work?

  • Olga Fufleva
    Published: 06.01.2021 Reply to the message

    I downloaded the theme store, downloaded themes from it, but not only the downloaded themes, even the native theme is not reinstalled. What to do? Twice the phone has rebooted, there is no effect, but how many all sorts of permits requires,

  • Alexei
    Published: 12.11.2020 Reply to the message

    And when will there be an update to have themes?

  • Igor
    Published: 08.11.2020 Reply to the message

    Shame on you, there is no store themes¡!!! This is a complete imperfection of the manufacturer, the reality is in English where the russification, there is nothing difficult for developers, it seems no one sues, why do you discriminate, tatch works bad

    • Yegor Borisov
      Published: 10.11.2020 Reply to the message

      There is a theme store, but it is not yet available for EU firmware. Have you read the content of the article carefully?

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